The News Beat podcast, a groundbreaking mixture of high-level, social justice-oriented journalism, music, and often, original lyrical contributions from independent Hip Hop artists, was a winner in the News & Politics category at the inaugural Signal Awards, which recognizes exceptionalism in podcasting.
Manny Faces of Manny Faces Media is the show's co-producer, audio editor, sound designer, and host.
News Beat was a finalist along with media powerhouses Al Jazeera and The New Republic. The Bronze-winning episode was titled "MMIWG2S: Missing and murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirt People," and highlighted the under-reported issues facing many families and communities in the United States and Canada.
The episode included powerful, original verses from South Carolina/New York Hip Hop artist, DJ, educator and activist, LiKWUiD.
News Beat is a collaborative production between Manny Faces Media and Morey Creative Studios, and has won several major journalism industry awards over the past few years, including "Best Podcast" at the 2018 and 2021 New York Press Club Journalism Awards, beating outlets including The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
Other Signal Award winners included powerhouse companies including HBO MAX, Netflix, Pushkin Industries and Pineapple Street Studios.
You can follow/listen to News Beat here. You can listen to the full episode below.